Juice Fast Recipes

Juice Fast Recipes


The 5-day juice fast is to rid your body of the toxic effects of bad eating, over-eating, alcohol, environmental toxins, and some inflammation and weight gain that occurs over the holidays. 5-days is a limited time frame to keep it safe and do-able, and is a great start to becoming healthier. Still it will be challenging, but drinking some tasty vegetables/fruit juice recipes every several hours will keep you satisfied while helping you to feel great! If at any time you are feeling ill, you may stop the juice fast.  But sometimes when the body is getting rid of toxins, getting a headache and feeling a little irritable, is normal. If you are needing more substance this first time doing your juice fast, feel free to add in a protein shake and make some vegetables to eat.

How to juice:

you DO need a JUICER, NOT a BLENDER. A juicer pulls out all the juice of the vegetable or fruit and makes it super easy to digest. You do not need an expensive one when you are beginning juicing. Decide first if you like it and will incorporate juicing into a daily routine, then I would recommend a slow juicer.

Juice Recipes:

you will drink these as meals instead of chewing food during the 5 days. CHOOSE organic whenever you can get it. Rotate recipes and repeat the ones you like! Juices lose nutritional value fast, so ideal your drink them soon after making them. You will be making your meals at least daily to a couple times per day during this fast.

Grapefruit ginger

1 grapefruit

1 lemon

2 carrots

½ inch of ginger

Apple Cumber (leafy greens are hard to juice!)

2 green apples

6 celery sticks

½ cucumber

handful of spinach

3 collard leaves

handful of kale

4 sprigs of mint

Turmeric Carrot

9 carrots

1 orange

1 apple

1/3 pineapple

½ lemon

½ inch turmeric

Cancer fighter

1 organic beet

1 organic carrot

1 organic celery stick

1/2 organic potato

1 organic radish


3-4 carrots

1 small beet with leaves

½ cucumber

½ lemon

½ inch ginger-root

½ green apple

Crazy celery

3-4 romaine lettuce leaves

3 celery ribs w leaves

½ lemon

½ green apple

Beet carrot

7 carrots

1 apple

2 celery

¼ cucumber

½ beet

½ lemon

Cayenne lemon

14 oz purified water

2 juiced lemons

½ tsp cayenne

2 tablespoons of agave nectar

Apple Lemon

2 lemons

4 apples

2 cucmenber

1 cup water

Cucumber apple

2 small cucumbers

1 green apple

2 tablespoons parsley

half lemon

Orange Dream

2 apples

3 celery sticks

1 orange

2 pears

(5 inch) 1 sweet potato

Easy Peasy

2 apples

3 carrots

4 celery sticks

Green lemonade

1 cup spinach

2 celery sticks

4 leaves of kale

1 inch of ginger

2 apples

1 lemon

Pineapple carrot

Half of small pineapple

Half inch ginger

2 carrots

Celery grape

2 celery sticks

3 carrots

a bunch of grapes

Pear Pineapple

1 pear

half cucumber

¼ of pineapple

Sweet Potato pear

1 apple

1 pear

half sweet potato