Red Light Therapy in Green Bay

With our health services, we help you to feel like brand new.

Discovery Health Healing Center offers patients the most advanced breakthroughs in medical technology. One of our most popular and effective therapies is red light therapy. By using select light frequencies, we can stimulate tissues on the cellular level and reduce oxidative stress. 

Whether you’re looking to improve athletic recovery, find relief from pain, or achieve another health goal, red light therapy can help.

At our Green Bay clinic, we specialize in photobiomodulation, aka near-infrared light therapy. Some red light therapies only scratch the surface, but infrared light therapy allows the light to penetrate tissues deeply. Using medical-grade THOR Laser technology, our team can significantly increase athletic performance and endurance, relieve pain, resolve inflammation, and promote faster healing of injury.

Red Light Therapy is Changing
the Recovery Game

Our bodies are always repairing and replacing tissues. Sometimes tissues break down after a long training session. Other times, our tissues break down due to a chronic condition. Near-infrared light therapy can help in both situations.

Here's how red light therapy in Green Bay can transform your health:

Discovery Health provides a unique health care service that sets them apart from mainstream medicine and other alternative providers. Through customized personal attention, medical expertise, and restorative medicine focus, we are able to provide the highest quality care in the region and help you to obtain results.

Tissue Repair

Red light therapy enhances tissue repair by stimulating the mitochondria, the energy centers in cells, to produce more ATP. This increased energy availability allows cells to repair and regenerate faster. The therapy also promotes collagen production, an essential protein for skin and tissue repair, leading to accelerated recovery in damaged tissues and reducing scar formation.


NOVOThor therapy reduces inflammation by modulating the production of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The light's penetration stimulates blood flow, which helps to carry away inflammatory compounds and bring in fresh, oxygen-rich blood. This circulation improvement alleviates swelling and discomfort associated with inflammation while promoting faster recovery.

Pain Relief

Address the root cause of your chronic pain with Infrared light therapy. This therapy enhances circulation and reduces inflammation, which are common contributors to chronic pain. By reducing oxidative stress and affecting the nervous system, it can elevate the pain threshold, reducing the perception of discomfort.

Injury Healing

Infrared light therapy accelerates the healing of injuries by improving blood flow and cellular energy production, essential for recovery. Enhanced ATP production enables damaged tissues to regenerate rapidly. Furthermore, the increased circulation ensures that nutrients and oxygen reach the injured site effectively, expediting the healing process and reducing downtime.

Whole Body Healing

Red light therapy can be a great addition to any wellness plan. By encouraging systemic circulation, you’ll be able to nourish all cells and organs. It also enhances cellular energy, which aids in healing diverse issues like muscle soreness, inflammation, and chronic conditions. Red light therapy in Green Bay is a great way to promote longevity and maintain optimal health.

How Near Infrared Light Therapy Works

Red light therapy, also known as low-level light therapy or photobiomodulation, is a treatment method that involves exposing the body to low wavelengths of red or near-infrared light. Light is absorbed at the cellular level, targeting the cause of inflammation by reducing oxidative stress. Photobiomodulation works for so many issues because it treats this one thing very well. 

Extensive research during the last two decades has revealed oxidative stress can lead to chronic inflammation, which in turn contributes to chronic diseases, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, and pulmonary diseases.

If you’re interested in the detailed science, then keep reading. Red light therapy takes advantage of the effect light has on cytochrome c oxidase and, consequently, the unbinding of nitric oxide and the release of ATP. This reaction leads to improved cellular function. For anti-inflammatory effects, studies have found a measurable reduction in PGE2, TNF Alpha and IL-6 in the synovia surrounding damaged tendons and for analgesia high intensity lasers over nerve supply can inhibit fast axonal flow. Learn more here: Research and News blog; THOR photomedicine.

Is Red Light Therapy Safe?

Red light therapy is very safe and comes with no noticeable side effects. Some of our patients come in multiple times a week for treatments. There is no harmful radiation involved in this treatment and has nothing to do with UV tanning beds. 

The red light acts to stimulate cellular regeneration and tissue activity.

NovoTHOR devices are designed and manufactured to comply with international Medical Device and GMP standards. NovoTHOR is a Class II Medical Device and the company publishes a full list of standards that the NovoTHOR is compliant with.

According to the NOVOThor website, “Every component of a NovoTHOR is tested at multiple stages. We use a laboratory grade spectrophotometer to measure light output through a 24 hour burn in procedure, ensuring that every NovoTHOR meets our high standards for continual light output.”

Looking at the way to new and old

Red Light Therapy Devices

Discovery Health will recommend one of two red light devices depending on your goals and needs. We might even recommend both. It all depends on where we want to influence healing and cellular activity. The Hand-Held Laser device is optimal for injuries and pain in any location across the body. The Helmet is optimal for brain and head related disorders. All sessions are held at our Green Bay clinic.

Red Light Helmet

The near-infrared light therapy helmet is an advanced, FDA-approved device used for neurological and head-related conditions. It works well for :

  • Anxiety  
  • Depression
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Cranial Nerve Damage
  • Stroke Recovery
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • ALS
  • MS
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer's

Discovery Health Center is one of only a few clinics in the country that offers this device. Reach out to see if the red light therapy helmet would work for you.

Red Light Therapy Laser

The red light laser can apply healing frequencies to any part of the body. Its many adapters and tools allow for precision applications focused on a wide variety of conditions:

  • Acute/Chronic Injury  
  • Tendinopathies
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Neck and Back Pain
  • Osteo, Rheumatoid, Psoriatic Athritis
  • Post Operative Pain
  • Nerve Pain
  • Tissue Healing
  • Wound Healing
  • Fibromyalgia

This incredible device helps relieve all kinds of pain. Reach out to our team and experience near-infrared light therapy for yourself.

Learn More about NOVOThor, Our Red Light Therapy Partner

Discovery Health Healing Center has chosen NOVOThor as our supplier of near-infrared technology. They are an industry leader in research and development. In business since 1991, the company continues developing more effective ways to promote healing.

As scientific leaders, the NOVOThor team has contributed to 51 academic papers, and collaborated with 6 Harvard Medical research groups and 30 other universities globally. They are not just selling a product; they’re actively working to advance research and contribute to the medical community. The Discovery Health team wouldn’t offer our patients anything less.

Want to Learn More about InfraRed Light Therapy?

What is PBM?

Photobiomodulation (PBM Therapy) previously known as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a laser or LED light therapy that improves tissue repair (skin wounds, muscle, tendon, bone, nerves), reduces inflammation and reduces pain wherever the beam is applied. Usually applied by a doctor, therapist or technician, treatments typically take 1 - 10 minutes and should be applied two or more times a week. Pubmed refs

How does is PBM Work?

PBM works predominately on a protein in mitochondria (cytochrome c oxidase) to increase ATP and reduce oxidative stress. A cascade of mitochondrial and intracellular downstream effects lead to improved tissue repair and reduced inflammation. Pubmed refs

How much is enough, how much is too much?

  • There is a dose response: not enough power density and there is no effect, too much and there can be inhibitory effects which can slow down healing and lose the anti-inflammatory effects. Pubmed refs

The Analgesic Mechanism

This depends on an PBM overdose; Higher power density PBM >300mW/cm² reduces ATP production in C fibers and A delta fibers resulting in an immediate neural blockade lasting up to approximate 24 hr. Pubmed refs

So there are actually TWO kinds of PBM ?

Yes, high power density is necessary for analgesia and deep tissue targets, low power density (< 100mW/cm²) is necessary to promote healing and reduce inflammation in superficial wounds, tendons and joints (the target is the synovia not the joint). THOR do both high and low power density for best healing, deep penetration and analgesia. Read more about class IV lasers, 3B lasers, LEDs and dose here

PhotoBioModulation (Defined)

Photo = Light

Bio = Biology or Body

Modulation = Change

Application of Monochromatic Light

Tissue Repair




Published Clinical Evidence

  • Tendinopathies
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Neck Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Neuropathic Pain
  • Wound Healing
  • Lymphedema
  • Oral Mucositis
  • Post surgical pain
  • TMD
  • Orthodontic tooth movement
  • Dentine Hypersensitivity
  • Health / wellness
  • Strength
  • Endurance 
  • Recovery

History of PBM

  • 1916 Einstein first proposed the phenomenon of stimulated emission
  • 1960 Theodore "Ted" Maiman invented, built and patented the worlds first laser
  • 1967 Prof. Mester - Budapest - discovers laser biostimulation
  • 1983 UK Physios first use low power laser for sports injuries treatments
  • 1987 James Carroll raised money for laser research at Guys Hospital London
  • 1991 THOR formed
  • 1998 NASA conducted LED therapy wound healing for space
  • 1999 US Navy nerve regeneration research with THOR lasers
  • 2003 First FDA clearance for THOR
  • 2005 Spinal cord regeneration
  • 2006 LLLT published in Nature and Pain
  • 2008 WHO (Bone and Joint Task Force) recommend LLLT/PBM for neck pain
  • 2010 American Physical Therapy Assn guidelines recommend LLT/PBM for Achilles tendonitis
  • The International Association for the Study of Pain (Global Task Force on musculoskeletal pain) recommend laser for myofascial pain syndrome
  • Published Scientific Journals

    Books and Journals

    700 clinical trials (RCTs)

    4000 laboratory studies

    200 systematic reviews

    443 papers in 2018 (37pm)

    6000 papers in total


    Click the Button Below To Download Our Brochure

    Discovery Health Healing Center offers patients the most advanced breakthroughs in medical technology. One of our most popular and effective therapies is red light therapy. By using select light frequencies, we can stimulate tissues on the cellular level and reduce oxidative stress. 

    Whether you’re looking to improve athletic recovery, find relief from pain, or achieve another health goal, red light therapy can help.

    At our Green Bay clinic, we specialize in photobiomodulation, aka near-infrared light therapy. Some red light therapies only scratch the surface, but infrared light therapy allows the light to penetrate tissues deeply. Using medical-grade THOR Laser technology, our team can significantly increase athletic performance and endurance, relieve pain, resolve inflammation, and promote faster healing of injury.

    Our Experts

    What they say

    holistic doctor, functional medicine doctor

    Kelly Felmer 

    Functional Medicine Practitioner

    She really listens and provides answers that I have never heard before.
    After just 2 treatments I feel better than the dozens of doctors before her combined.
    If you have one of those conditions that’s hard to figure out, I highly suggest to try Dr Kelly.

    Christine Scharenbrock, Nurse Practitioner

    Christine Scharenbrock

    Nurse Practitioner

    Embark on a soul-nourishing journey of rediscovery with me, where we go beyond the superficial to find true balance and harmony in all aspects of your life. Let's create sustainable habits and practices that nourish your body, mind, and soul, empowering you to become the best version of yourself. This is not just a journey; it's an awakening, an opportunity to set forth on a path of lifelong wellness and growth.


    Dr. Kelly is awesome!
    She really listens and provides answers that I have never heard before.
    After just 2 treatments I feel better than the dozens of doctors before her combined.
    If you have one of those conditions that’s hard to figure out, I highly suggest to try Dr Kelly.

    Ken D. (5 Star google review)
