Ciera Watermollen, MS | Functional Nutritionist

My Journey

Hello, my name is Ciera and I have worked at Discovery Health Healing Center since we opened our doors in 2020. Here at Discovery Health Healing Center you will often see me at the front desk, but I am also the Functional Nutritionist.

I help individuals thrive in life rather than just survive.  I am a firm believer that food is medicine, and your body needs all the right nutrients to function properly. Every bit of food we put in our body has the power to either promote or reverse disease. I am passionate about helping you understand your health is and should always be your first priority and it starts with food.   

My goal is to help patients create a healthier lifestyle and feel their best through real, whole foods. I am here to teach people how to consume the right nutritional balance for optimal health and well-being.

I started as a patient with Dr Kelly in 2016.  I was struggling with both gut and hormone issues.  I felt tired more often than not, bloated, constipated and experienced hormonal imbalances. With the help of Dr Kelly and changing my lifestyle through food and exercise, I was able to truly heal and now feel the best I ever have.

Education & Certifications:

May 2019

Bachelors Degree in Communication and a Minor in Nutrition University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

June 2024

Masters Degree in Nutrition and Functional Medicine

New Beginnings Start Now

Nobody’s journey to health is easy, but the end result of feeling alive and energetic is always worth the highs and lows on the journey. I am here to help you by offering two different Nutrition Programs, the 30 Day Reset and the 90 Day Health Challenge. In addition, I offer One-on-One Nutrition Coaching and Food Allergy Consult.  I guide you through making changes in your diet to create a healthier YOU. I share yummy healthy recipes and tips and tricks to live well.

I have a minor in Nutrition from the University of Milwaukee and have my Masters in Functional Medicine and Nutrition. Outside of working at the clinic and school, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, yoga and being outdoors.  

I can’t wait to work with you!