Benefits of Ozone

June 27, 2023

Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Heal Wounds and Clear Skin

Ozone has strong antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. When applied to wounds, it can effectively reduce the microbial load, preventing infections and promoting a cleaner wound environment which accelerates healing. In addition, Ozone increases the oxygen supply to tissues. Enhanced oxygenation improves cellular metabolism and accelerates the healing process, making the skin look healthier and more vibrant.

Clear Sinuses

Ozone may help reduce inflammation in the sinus tissues. This helps decrease swelling and congestion, facilitating easier breathing and sinus drainage. Additionally, an insufflation can help break down and thin mucus, making it easier to expel. This helps clear out blockages and improves sinus drainage.

Reduce Pain

Here a discovery health we offer prolozone injections: It is a safe, natural, and often permanent treatment for pain in the knees, hips, rotator cuff tears, arthritis, joint pain, back pain, neck pain, and other damaged tissues. The procedure involves injecting an anti-inflammatory solution with vitamins to nourish the cells in the damaged area, followed by ozone gas to stimulate repair, strengthen injured tissues, and assist in healing, ultimately resolving your pain.

Improve Circulation

Ozone therapy increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. Higher oxygen levels enhance the efficiency of oxygen delivery to tissues, which is crucial for cellular metabolism and function.

Boost immunity

Activate your immune system to fight off localized infection and kill present bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protists. Ozone stimulates the release of Interleukin-2 which causes the creation of more immune cells downstream.


So besides the HOCATT for ozone therapy, you also offer several different ozone therapies, right? So mostly I've talked about the IV nutrition therapy, so major autohemo therapy, but another pivotal thing that we've done a ton of because everybody keeps getting sick, right? Even though right now it seems like, OOH, everything's great, but people keep getting viruses. And the viruses, no matter which virus it is, they've been changing and people are getting sick, and then they get it sick again. And so and so got sick. Or this nasal congestion, or even now as it's spring in Wisconsin, we have more seasonal allergies and we've got an uptick of head congestion, sinus congestion, nasal congestion with many different people with chronic fungal nasal sinus infections who've had surgeries, et cetera. Ozone therapy. We can also do a nasal insufflation where, using a small amount of ozone, we put a little tiny tube up the side of your nose and you hold your breath and we fill the maxillary sinus with a little bit of ozone. And the person holds their breath and then they breathe out, and then we do the other side. So we are filling the nasal maxillary sinus cavity with a little bit of ozone. And the caution with ozone is to make sure that nobody directly breathes it. It will cause a coughing and lung spasm type, but that's the biggest concern or caution that we have. So delivering it to the nasal cavity, the person is not breathing it. We're simply putting about five CCs in that cavity, that sinus cavity. And then it's pretty amazing people come back again and again to do it because when there is something there to react with because nothing is resistant to ozone therapy, it's usually anywhere from five to ten minutes or sometimes 20 minutes after that treatment.They may start to sneeze and then they may get super congested and they may start blowing all kinds of things out their nose. Because the ozone was interacting with that virus or that bacteria or that fungal remnant, whatever was irritating in those sinuses got all jacked up and you're blowing it all out and then it feels so much better. So it's been something that I was taught when I went through the ozone training, actually not through the course of being able to safely administer ozone, because there's a lot of things that could be done not safely. So it's very important. Safety is always our first priority. But the nurse who was working with the groupI was in getting certified in ozone therapy, she said, oh, I want to show you this too. We do this for people sometimes. And it was this nasal insufflation. So like, the whole group that was there getting the certification didn't get this information. And it was amazing. So I did it that day and I wasn't having any kind of nasal problem, but it's to experience it. What is this like? And then that night I told the girls that I was sitting with the next day, I'm like, I blew some gunk onto my nose that I didn't even know was up there. And that was super surprising. And I've done it numerous times, and there's sometimes, oh, 20 minutes later, and then I got to sneeze andI sneeze and sneeze, and then I'm blowing my nose for 5-10 minutes, and then I'm done. And then there have been some other times where I thought, you know, so and so was in and they were a little snuffly and I better do this as a preventative. And then sometimes something happens and sometimes nothing happens. And when nothing happens, it means there wasn't anything there. And I'm like, okay, I guess I wasn't going to get something or didn't get exposed. So it's been really quite amazing. We do a lot of IV ozone and we do a lot of nasal insufflation. We can do rectal insufflation as well. People just don't jump on that one quite the same. And so now that we have HOCATT to get ozone in a sauna, it'll be our major autohemo therapy ozone, our nasal insufflation, and our ozone sauna that we use predominantly for ozone Therapies. That is a lot. And that is wonderful that you can approach it from so many different standpoints, right. I mean, internally, externally, almost internally through the nasal. But yes, it's wonderful to offer so many different services. Yeah, So it just depends on what the person's need is.

From Conversations to Inspire by Theresa Moore. Available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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About the author

Dr. Kelly has 25 years of expert medical experience caring for the sickest of the sick people in critical care (including ICU, Heart surgery, Heart & Lung transplant surgery, as well as cardiology). She is a clinical specialist who has taken care of and trained others to care for the critically ill/the elderly and developed many screening and preventative programs to help improve the health of the population. The reality is that most people just don't have to be that sick. or stay that sick. So, Dr. Kelly decided to change the focus of the care she provided: to prevent, reverse and restore the health of individuals.

Dr. Kelly

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