Learn about IV Nutrition in Green Bay

Learn about IV Nutrition in Green Bay

Benefits of IV Therapy

IV (intravenous) therapy offers a range of benefits by delivering fluids, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients directly into the bloodstream. Here are some key advantages of IV therapy:

  1. Rapid Absorption

  2. IV therapy bypasses the digestive system, allowing for the immediate and direct delivery of nutrients into the bloodstream. This results in faster and more efficient absorption compared to oral supplements.

  3. Increased Bioavailability

  4. Since the nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream, IV therapy ensures higher bioavailability, meaning a greater proportion of the nutrients are available for the body to use.

  5. Immediate Rehydration

  6. IV therapy is highly effective for rehydration. It quickly replenishes fluids and electrolytes, making it ideal for situations where rapid hydration is needed, such as after intense physical activity, illness, or dehydration.

  7. Nutrient Optimization

  8. IV therapy can be customized to meet specific nutritional needs. It can provide high doses of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients that might be difficult to achieve through diet alone.

  9. Enhanced Energy Levels

  10. Many people experience an immediate boost in energy levels following IV therapy. This can be particularly beneficial for those with chronic fatigue, jet lag, or those needing an energy boost for athletic performance.

  11. Improved Immune Function

  12. IV therapy can strengthen the immune system by delivering high doses of immune-boosting vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, zinc, and selenium, directly into the bloodstream.

  13. Detoxification

  14. IV therapy can aid in detoxifying the body by providing nutrients that support liver function and enhance the body's natural detoxification processes. This can help eliminate toxins and reduce oxidative stress.

  15. Support for Chronic Conditions

  16. IV therapy can be beneficial for managing chronic health conditions, such as migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other inflammatory or autoimmune disorders. It can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being.

  17. Enhanced Athletic Performance and Recovery

  18. Athletes often use IV therapy to enhance performance and speed up recovery. It helps replenish essential nutrients, reduce muscle soreness, and support muscle repair and recovery after intense training or competition.

  19. Mental Clarity and Cognitive Function

  20. IV therapy can improve mental clarity, focus, and cognitive function by providing essential nutrients that support brain health. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing brain fog or cognitive fatigue.

  21. Anti-Aging Benefits

  22. Certain IV therapies contain antioxidants and nutrients that promote healthy skin, reduce signs of aging, and improve overall skin tone and appearance.

Full Podcast can be found at: Conversations to Inspire

IV nutrition therapy was I've actually been doing since 2015 as an adjunct, adjunct to the people, the chronic illness people that I work with, or chronic infections. Lately, I've just been getting a large amount of young people. It's amazing how things come in streaks or all of a sudden I'm getting 18 to 20 year olds who have extreme fatigue that has been going on for six months to two years, that they keep being told there's not a problem. There's not a problem. There is no problem. And I've gotten several of them in the last couple of months. And when you say they're being told there's not a problem, you're saying by the traditional medical community, absolutely. They're not finding disease, but they don't know how to help these people. We're looking again differently and discovering, okay, each of these people that are in my brain right now, these young women, they all happen to be young women, although I have another gentleman as well.But they have chronic infection. They have infection that has never been taken care of by viruses, bacteria, or lyme. They keep being tested by traditional medicine, and they're being told that we can't find anything wrong with you. Your thyroid is fine. Your labs are fine. Your liver is fine. There's nothing wrong with you. Yet these young women, their parents are coming in with them, saying she can't get out of bed. She sleeps 12 hours at night, and she's napping for two and 3 hours during the day. She's trying to get a job. She's trying to go through school, and she can't function because she's so tired. Same thing with some of the gentlemen that I work with. But each one of these cases are an example of a chronic infection, a chronic illness. And it's just so amazing that it's happening in these young people. IV nutrition therapy is where we were going with that because each one of these people I'm seeing in consultation, I have to help with their immune system. I'm clearing out the thing that is bogging them down, that is taking their body so much extra energy that they don't have the energy to just go to work and be social and be happy. And then comes anxiety and depression because they're feeling so crappy every single day. And when you think about that, an 18 year old feeling crappy every single day, like, what is going on? And then she thinks she's going crazy. The medical doctors are like, it's just all in your head. You don't have a problem. But the good news is we found a problem. We're utilizing IV nutrition therapy. I have excellent registered nurses who make the IVs based on my order to target inflammation in the body to help clear infection of the body. Vitamin C. We do ozone therapy. We do UV light, all with the blood and all through IV nutrition therapy. And it's amazing how all of these young individuals start bouncing back because we've helped the body clear this chronic infection. We've helped the immune system. We're not really boosting the immune system. Like, that's the wrong word to use, but we're helping the immune system to get stronger, to identify something's going on, helping to knock it down. But this isn't traditional medicine that says, oh, you have an acute infection, here's your antibiotic. We have to kill it, kill it, kill it. Because some of them have gone through that already and they're still sick because things at a cellular level are messed up. It's not working right. They don't have enough vitamin D, they don't have enough B twelve, they don't have enough iron, they don't have enough whatever it might be. And the labs may be subtle to say, well, you're not dying of being anemic, so it's really not a problem yet they're failing to recognize that the body needs more of this for normal function. So instead of feeling like they're just getting by and that's truly how these people feel. They're just struggling and struggling and struggling. And so we do a lot of IV iron therapy for mostly women who are chronically anemic and they're tired because they don't have enough iron in their blood. That's a good example, fighting these chronic infections and helping them to get stronger, to have the ingredients at a cellular level. Because getting an IV is not the same as taking oral supplements. Anything that you take orally has to go through your gut, it has to get digested, half of it gets eliminated through the liver. And so it can be tremendously helpful. And those are the things you need to do on a daily basis while you're working on gut function, while you're working on your food. The ideal is we'd get all of our nutrition from our food, but we will never be able to do that because it doesn't carry the same amount of nutrition as it once did. Even for the person who eats completely organic. And they do everything right, guaranteed. They're not really getting everything that they need or that their body needs. And so IV nutrition therapy is a way to give it directly. There's nothing interfering, the body can use it right away. It's a very important strategy that is potent, yet very safe. Again, I'm trained as a nurse practitioner, as a medical provider. I've been a provider since 1999. So I've got a long history of being a provider. And in 2013 I changed the way I was practicing because I wanted to do different and we need to do things different and I want to help the body heal and repair. IV nutrition therapy is one way that we can do that and hit it at the core. But there's many places popping up now that do IVs. They are much more tied with just trying to make money off of the IVs. And so they have a limited amount of services and so I bring that up only because we have IV nutrition therapy, because it's a needed service to help the people that I'm seeing routinely, to heal and repair and to help their body. It's very strategic. We have a specific purpose. It is a treatment modality. Although people can see information about all of our IVs on the website and say, you know what? I'm just working too hard.I've got so much stress. I just want something to help me feel a little bit better. Fantastic. Coming and getting an IV I know will always be helpful. It helped them where they needed it. It can help their adrenal glands. And we're not opposed to people doing that, but we educate people. We always deliver it very safely. We make our own IVs. They're not pre made, they're custom made. And we make sure it's cleanly and sterile and safe. And we do it the right way and we deliver it the right way. And it sounds like you've been seeing great success with your patients and actually with the IV nutrition and the therapy and being able to do quick reversals of what they're experiencing so that they can start to feel better very quickly. Absolutely. And it doesn't mean you get one IV and magically everything is done, but it gives them something more powerful to work with. They can start to feel better, and then they go, oh, okay, now there's hope. I can feel better. This isn't the rest of my life anymore. Which they start thinking, because they can't get better and they can't get better, and they can't get better. And so they get a glimmer of hope and they're like, I felt better for a day, and then it went away. And we have to build it up. We have to build it up. Because when you think about deficiencies or toxicities, I often explain it as a bucket. If everything in your body was a bucket, you're depleted. Your body's been beat up in every way imaginable, and that's what you feel. And so now you've started taking this supplement, right? And people think, okay, I've been taking this supplement for a month. Why don't I feel better? Well, you're not always going to feel what it's doing inside your body because your bucket is empty with ingredients, and now you spit in the bucket and you expected it to cure you. It's not going to happen. We need to start filling your bucket so you're no longer deficient. But the other problem is people often have a hole in their bucket. So just as you start refilling, it's getting depleted even faster. So I just don't want to imply that all you need todo is get an IV and you're going to be better. There's no problems. There's work that has to be done, and it does take time, especially when I meet people who have been really sick for two years or ten years or 20 years. I've had chronic diarrhea and nobody could ever help me. Okay, that's a problem.And you're really, really, really deficient if you have that kind of diarrhea every single day. We've got stop the hole in your bucket because you're getting zero nutrition and now you're so depleted. It's going to take us time to bounce back, but many different ways that we can start to address that. Some people bounce back really super quickly, which is so great to see. And other people, we get a little bit better and then we get a little bit better and we keep working on it because that's how the body works. And the goal is always one step at a time and trying to get them to that spot where yay, I'm finally good. And through that process, or when they can finally say, my symptoms have resolved, or yeah, I'm feeling pretty much normal now, or I'm feeling like me again, we start to take away supplements or do less treatments. And because the treatments, the supplements don't make them healthy, they help the body to change. They fill the deficiency or get rid of the toxicity, target the inflammation or infection to get out of the way so they can just heal and repair and feel good again. And then it's also amazing the number of people who come back and tell me we were working on this symptom but I didn't realize that I was so unhappy or was missing everything going on in my life. I'm happy now. You helped me find joy again. And I thought the first time I heard that and I thought, well that's not what I do. My goal isn't to bring people joy. You didn't realize that that was the underlying issue, the underlying secondary effect. Right, absolutely. That they truly lost themselves and now when we've corrected things in the body, they can feel like themselves again and find joy in life again. And that's so amazing. So that's super cool. That was like a bonus. I'm like, I don't do that. I don't know how we got there, but just working with the body physically, mentally, emotionally, using many different types of services or services outside of me to help that person get there, holistically is really important and they can find things like that and it's all connected. Right. If you're feeling better, you can start to, like you said, find joy, find happiness again. But if you're not feeling well, that's your focus and that's all that's consuming your mind and your energy is how can I feel better? So once you fix that, then you can go on to bigger and better things. Exactly, absolutely. So that conversation was all about IV nutrition therapy because I've done that the longest and it's so powerful. And I do adjunct that with many different people that I'm working with. And again, just to stress the point that it is a prescribed therapy often for our patients and it's very important to me as well as the nurses, that we do an excellent job at it, that we create relationships with these people and that we're providing a safe and effective service. That is our point and that is our goal around it.