BioEnergy Testing: Test your metabolic health in Green Bay

BioEnergy Testing: Test your metabolic health in Green Bay

Why should you get your metabolism tested

Getting a bioenergy test done can offer numerous benefits for understanding and optimizing your health. Here are some compelling reasons to consider:

  1. Identify Energy Imbalances:

  2. Bioenergy testing can detect imbalances in your body's energy production and utilization, helping to pinpoint areas that may be contributing to fatigue, low energy, or chronic health issues.

  3. Personalized Health Insights: 

  4. The test provides detailed insights into your unique metabolic profile, allowing for personalized health recommendations tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle.

  5. Optimize Metabolism:

  6. By understanding how efficiently your body converts food into energy, you can make informed decisions about diet and nutrition to enhance metabolic function and overall energy levels.

  7. Improve Chronic Conditions:

  8. For individuals with chronic conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, or metabolic syndrome, bioenergy testing can offer valuable information to better manage these conditions and improve quality of life.

  9. Enhance Athletic Performance:

  10. Athletes can benefit from bioenergy testing by gaining insights into their energy production and recovery processes, enabling them to optimize training, improve performance, and prevent injuries.

  11. Support Weight Management:

  12. Understanding your metabolic rate and substrate utilization can help you create an effective weight management plan, ensuring you burn fat more efficiently and maintain a healthy weight.

Overall, a bioenergy test provides comprehensive and actionable insights into your body’s energy production and utilization, empowering you to make informed decisions that enhance your health and well-being.

Full Podcast can be found at: Conversations to Inspire

That leads me to talk about bioenergy testing that we do. Bioenergy testing is a functional assessment of a person to evaluate just how healthy are you, but at a cellular level. So, again, everything we do is to try to get the body working normal, the better. We can facilitate that through food, through water, through supplements, through IVs, through light therapy, through micro currents. We'll talk about that too, whatever it might be. However, we can get the body functioning closer to normal. Symptoms start to disappear as I talk about labs. We do a lot of blood work here, and we do stool testing and urine testing and all different kinds of testing as well, to look deeper in the body, to say, what's going wrong? How much of this is a problem? But the bioenergy testing is a functional assessment. Can you tell us how that works? Absolutely. So some people or athletes will be most familiar with Vo2 testing. Professional athletes may go through some VoTwo max testing to see their maximum oxygen capacity for improving their athletic performance. That's been around for quite some time. But bioenergy testing takes it further because it's not for the athlete exclusively. It's for normal function within the body. Oxygen is the number one element in our body that we can't live without. Of course, we all know that on a superficial level, right? But we think, oh, there's oxygen in the air and we breathe, and then we don't think anything beyond that. But we do that, and the oxygen gets used at a cellular level. So the number one ingredient inside the cell that helps to produce energy is oxygen. It's not all about the COVID era. People are checking their pulse ox and, oh, my oxygen is fine, my oxygen is fine. But do all the cells have the oxygen that they need? So, as I refer to deficiencies and toxicities, it's amazing how many people really don't breathe very well. And that's part of the reason they're tired or the moment.Then they're challenged to go up the steps, they get short of breath. But bioenergy testing is taking oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide release.That is how we breathe. But it's also cellular respiration. So the mitochondria, if you remember in high school biology, we learned about the cell and the mitochondria are the powerhouse. They make energy.How do they do it? They burn oxygen. They also use thyroid hormones. They use all the hormones in your body. They use nutrition, they get bogged down by toxins. But oxygen is the number one thing. The software technology behind bioenergy testing makes it a very useful tool for every single one of us. To find out, how healthy are my cells? How well are they functioning? Anyone under the age of 40 is compared to another 20 year old, another 30 year old. For the rest of us who are over 40, we're compared to 40 as a standard to say do my cells function as well as a healthy 40 year old. And I can have a 50 year old, a 60 year old, even a70 year old who looks just as good as a 40 year old. Because you are only as old as your cells function. There should be no such thing as age related illness. We earn those things. It's the cells not functioning as well as they could. It's not because you turned 60 this year. That's not why you have arthritis, that's not why you feel this or that. Because if your cells are functioning better, you never feel a day over 40. I just posted a little video, actually, of a 50year old woman who, when I had talked to her, I'm like, I am so using you as an example. You are so fabulous. Because she went from 49 chronologic age last year at the age of 49, we did bioenergy testing and then we just repeated it again. I see her about once a year at the age of 50 and she got younger. We improved. She did the hard work, but she improved the function at a cellular level. And it showed on her bioenergy testing how much she had improved, how she had raised her metabolism, how she was burning fat better for fuel, how every level of what we look at from the bioenergy testing had improved. So at the age of 49, she was doing pretty well, but we needed to tweak a few things. We tweaked her thyroid support, we tweaked her hormones a little bit. We were working on achieving balance. She always ate really well, but we may have modified that a little bit. Little bit more fat, not too much protein, but a good amount of protein and not too much in simple carbs. But the big thing that she changed was what we often get misled with to think we need to exercise more. You won't be healthy unless you exercise more and harder. And that's the wrong philosophy. To have exercise is good. Exercise is a huge part of your health and to be active and to be mobile and to have endurance and some cardio and lean muscles. So for all of the women who are menopausal or going through that lean muscle, don't lose it so hard to get it back. But lean muscle plays a huge role in your overall health. She was going to boot camps, working out really hard, at least an hour excessive at those times. She loved the boot camps. But when we saw her bioenergy test at the age of 49, the bioenergy testing ties into a heart rate your maximum oxygen utilization. Because remember, oxygen is the number one ingredient inside the cell that we need, and we tie it to a heart rate while she was on a stationary bike to say, at this heart rate, she stopped burning fat and now she's burning more glucose because her body needed more energy. So at a cellular level, when the ratios between oxygen and carbon dioxide will change based on what the body is burning and what it needs to get more energy when you're walking on the treadmill, and if you get your heart rate up a little bit, more than likely you're burning fat. And then after that, if you start running on the treadmill, you need more energy, the switch is going to happen. We're going to see the ratio change. You're going to start to burn more glucose because you can get more energy from glucose than you can from fat. But fat is stable and steady. And the older we get, we want to make sure we're efficiently burning fat to feel good and so that we don't just deposit fat. So it's all about the balance. We burn fat to this heart rate, then we burn glucose because you had more of a demand. And then when you're really working out hard, you become anaerobic. So those cells that are requiring a lot more energy, they stop burning fat for fuel, they stop burning glucose as primary sources for fuel. And now they go a different route, an alternative route, lactic acid route as an example, because they can get more energy, at least temporarily. So the bioenergy testing, we evaluate your lung capacity, we evaluate your breathing, we measure the carbon dioxide and oxygen ratios, and we can calculate, based off of that, your resting metabolic rate. So how many calories actually, your body burns over a 24 hours period of time without exercise. And it's pretty amazing to actually be able to calculate your metabolism. We go off of generic protocols, and you and I may be similar in size. My metabolism might be 1800, your metabolism might be 1200. And that plays a huge role in knowing how healthy are you, how efficiently are you burning things for energy. And it's not that either one of them are good or bad, it's different. Yet if you and I both go to the gym, we're probably both told the same information to say, your metabolism is this based on your height and your weight. That's not true. It's based on cellular function. And we can get a measure of that. So after that resting portion you get on a stationary bike, it starts out easy, it goes through a protocol. It gets a little bit harder and a little bit harder. It's not to test athletic ability, it's to evaluate how well your body is making energy. As it gets harder, you shift from fat burning to glucose burning. And when that ratio changes, we're monitoring it and we capture the heart rate at when that happened. So for myself, my oxygen utilization max for fat burning is 105 at least the last time I tested. And I should get tested again. And I'm trying to exercise more and get a little bit better before I do my test again, because I want it to look really good. So I'm pony you have to get a good grade on that one, right? I want a super good grade. And life happens to us all and it's just something that we have to keep working on. So my fat burning heart rate is 105. So when I just want to burn fat and I'm on the treadmill 20 minutes, 30 minutes, and I make sure I get a heart rate of 105, I know I'm burning fat. I'm burning fat. I'm menopausal now. It's so easy to just get fat and when you do, nothing different. So I focus on that. And I want to exercise for burning fat, but I also do intervals, interval training, where I'll do walk, running, or my husband does the elliptical in intervals, he'll let his heart rate be low, he'll get his heart rate really jacked up and then he lets his heart rate go back down low doing interval training. Because we know exactly our heart rates when that shift in burning is happening. So when my heart rate goes above one hundred and thirty s, I know I get anaerobic. Between that 105 to 130, I'm burning glucose. And that's helped me change my exercise. So this woman I was referring to as well, what we figured out is her heart rate all the time when she was exercising was always anaerobic. So why can't I lose these ten pounds? Why do I still feel tired late in the day? Why am I not as healthy as I think I should be? It was because she exercised too hard for too long all the time. The bioenergy testing, just like I gave you my examples of 105 and 130 in that example with those numbers, and this is specific to each individual person, and it can change, everything on the bioenergy testing can change when you start to work on it because it's not a diagnosis, it's a functional assessment. And where do I need to work and where are you at that moment in your life? Right? Yes, absolutely. And so she was always above that 130mark from start to finish of exercise. When you are always in that anaerobic threshold, then it actually damages or shunts the mitochondria. Now they don't work as efficiently. So the interval training that I alluded to as well is doing 30 seconds to three minutes of high intensity and then getting your heart rate back down. And that's the other thing people don't usually do. They just do high intensity constant, which is that the body really has to work hard through all of that. But when you let your heart rate come back down, you get to get oxygen into the cells again. When I am coming from the perspective of your overall health, improving your overall health, how can you be turning 80 and still feel like you're 40? It's when you tune into the cellular function this way there may be many athletes out there who are working on their endurance, and they're not doing their exercise routine to improve the cellular health. They're trying to get the maximum out of their body. So they're focusing on that differently. But people who are coming here, who are working on their health, we're trying to improve function at a cellular level. The bioenergy testing lets me know that in this particular woman, she changed her exercise. She started walking more. She did intervals. She still goes to boot camps because she loves it, but she'll do the boot camp, and she doesn't start doing that high intensity again until she's recovered. She's gotten in a good spot with that. She's like, I don't care what people think in the camp. I'm just going to do what I need to do.I need to recover. She's like, I feel so much better. She felt good before, but I feel so much better. I don't have any tiredness at all. And the results on her bioenergy dramatically improved, too. So her overall health was even better as she turned 50 years old. She's younger from a cellular function perspective than she was the year prior. That's incredible. Like you said, again, back to the cellular level, you're changing bodies, you're changing people, and you're changing their lives. But it starts at the minute building blocks, right? And she was willing to make a difference to get the best that she could. And so we clued into what her body said. So it's not me telling her, do more exercise, do less exercise. It was us using the functional assessment to say, your body says your fat burning is at this heart rate. Now, pay attention to your heart rate when you exercise, and when you go above this heart rate, it's important to recognize you're. Now, Anaerobic, you're not burning oxygen. That's okay to do. You just don't want to stay there for a really long time. Your health overall will improve if you only do intervals of that. And so that's super cool. I also use bioenergy testing when a great example is hypothyroidism and I can test blood work. I get a full thyroid panel. I don't just look at TSH. TSH is a brain hormone. I'm looking at T three, T four, all the components of it. So you have all the pieces of the puzzle and reverse T three as well, looking for antibodies, getting a full evaluation of the thyroid. But do those numbers tell me if that person is healthy? They don't, no. Just in the more pieces of the puzzle, you're going to take that information and you're going to incorporate it with everything else that you're studying. Exactly the full puzzle. So they give me information, and it's good to know that you have enough thyroid hormone. It says you've got plenty there. Why do you feel awful all the time? Bioenergy testing can be that bridge. One thing that I've always done before, we got bioenergy testing was, I look at the labs, I listen to what you're telling me, because routinely these people with hypothyroidism have been told, no. They checked my labs, they said I'm fine, but I don't feel fine. So I'm listening to their symptoms and going, yep, sure sounds like you still have hypothyroidism. The lab says you're fine, but you're not using it. So the bioenergy testing again, the software technology that was created also has a way to pull out information that's tied to T Three, the active thyroid hormone inside the cell. It gives me a clue to say, OOH, that looks really good. So the thyroid labs look good, looks great. On Bioenergy, thyroid isn't your problem. We have to look at something else. But so many times your thyroid labs look good. You're telling me you don't feel good. And guess what? On the Bioenergy, it says you don't have enough thyroid hormone in the cell.So is it toxins blocking you? Is it? Reverse t three blocking you. Is it lack of hormone or adrenal support? That's the problem. Is it lack of nutrition?And then it gives us more clues to say, you have the hormone available, but you don't know how to use it. And that's what we need to start working on to get thyroid into the cell. And then all of those common symptoms of hypothyroidism start to go away. So it helps me to bridge the gap of a functional assessment. I'm listening to your symptoms. And then the objective measure is the lab work. We get to pull it all together to figure out just what you need and how body responds to it. Very, very individualized care. You're not looking at ranges and numbers and trying to plug people in and say, oh, you're fine, but you're really getting to the root of the problems, right? Absolutely. Fantastic.