What to Expect at Your Bio-Energy Test

February 10, 2023

This video will demonstrate all the steps in the Bio Energy Testing process. Expect 45-60 minutes for the whole test to be complete. More information can be found below.

Instructions For Bio-Energy Testing.

For a full understanding of Bio-Energy Testing and all the invaluable information it can give you regarding your health, please read “Bursting With Energy”the book, available for purchase at DHHC clinic.

Important: on at least two different mornings, record how many times your heart beats over a 30 second interval as soon as you awaken. Do this immediately after you awaken, before getting out of bed or sitting up. Try to move as little as possible. Plan it the night before, making sure there is a clock with a second hand that is easily visible. Better yet, have someone else take your pulse while you are sleeping or just after you awaken. Bring the results with you to the office. (Note: you will only be asked for this value if your heart rate is abnormal. Otherwise, this may not be needed.)

After you awaken on the day of your test, make sure that you drink at least 16 ounces of water. In addition make sure to take your hormones (thyroid, DHEA, estrogen, testosterone, etc.), and any prescribed medications as regularly scheduled.

What not to do on the day of your test:

DO NOT take any vitamins, non-prescription medications or herbs.DO NOT eat or drink anything except water.
DO NOT exercise for 48 hours before the test.
DO NOT wear an under-wire bra.
Do not smoke
Do not wear lipstick.
Do not change the carbohydrate content of your diet for five days before the test. If you do, it will alter the test results.

Note: For some people this test is as easy as a walk in the park, but for others it may be very intense and work you to your limit. There is no way of predicting this.

Keep your activity level to a minimum on the morning of the test.

Be sure that your diet and sleep patterns for the five days before the testing procedure are typical for you. If you develop an injury or a cold or flu, please call the clinic to cancel and reschedule.

Bio-Energy Testing Explanation For Patients

The testing procedure is quite easy. All you have to do is to relax and forget that this is a test. There is no way you can flunk this test! Before you start the test, the technician will:

check your blood pressure both sitting down and standing, as well as determining your height, weight and body fat percentage. The technician will then place a heart rate monitor with some electrode gel snuggly around your chest.

The test is divided into two portions, the resting part and the exercise part. During the resting part of the test the technician will place a plastic mouthpiece in your mouth, which will record all the oxygen going into your body and all the carbon dioxide coming out. He/she will also place a nose clip on your nose to prevent you from breathing through your nose. Be sure to adjust the nose clip if you need to in order to be more comfortable. The whole setup is a little uncomfortable but is easy tolerated. During the resting part of the test all you will need to do is close your eyes, relax your body, and comfortably breathe into the mouthpiece and not around it or through your nose.

After about fifteen minutes the resting part of the test will be concluded, the mouthpiece and nose clip will be removed, and the technician will give you a drink of water. You will then be moved to the ergometer (a computerized stationary bicycle) for the exercise part of the test. During the exercise part, you will wear a mask covering your nose and mouth. Start pedaling when you are told to, being sure to keep the RPM gauge at sixty during the entire procedure. As the test proceeds you will notice that you will have to work progressively harder to maintain the RPM at sixty. This is because the computer will gradually increase the pedal resistance.

As you get closer to the end of the test, you will be exerting fairly hard, and will be breathing fairly heavily. The technician will be letting you know about how much more time you have before the test is concluded. The exercise part of the test usually around fifteen minutes. Of course, a certain amount of breathlessness and strain is normal, but if you feel sick or lightheaded, or develop chest pain, you should stop and notify the technician. Be assured that the testing procedure does not require that we exercise you beyond what you should be safely capable of.

After the exercise portion of the test is completed, there will still be one more measurement to take. This will be your lung function measurement. For this determination, the technician will direct you to expel all the air out of your lungs and then maximally inhale and blow all that air out into the measuring device. You will do this three times in order to give the computer a chance to select out your best “performance”.

After this is accomplished, the test is over. The technician will print out the report form and give you a copy. The form will not only show your scores, but will also give you an explanation of what the different scores mean. Please be sure to take some time and carefully study the results so that when the doctor goes over the results with you, you will have a good understanding of what your overall level of health is, and what you will need to do to improve it.

Next steps:
1. If you are scheduled for a consultation with your provider, the results of your testing will be used to determine your thyroid, adrenal, metabolism, caloric, fat/glucose needs of the body to optimize your health.
2. You can also use the results of this testing for Food Nutrition Consultation, to facilitate weight loss and lifestyle habits.
3. And if you are an athlete training for an event, or working with a Personal Trainer, this information can be helpful as well.

4. Consider retesting in 3 or 6 months as suggested by your provider, or on a yearly basis to maintain and monitor your overall wellness status. Extreme athletes, consider retesting AFTER your endurance event, to see just how much that event impacted your mitochondria and to monitor how quickly you do or don't recover!

Visit our bio-energy page on our website

About the author

Dr. Kelly has 25 years of expert medical experience caring for the sickest of the sick people in critical care (including ICU, Heart surgery, Heart & Lung transplant surgery, as well as cardiology). She is a clinical specialist who has taken care of and trained others to care for the critically ill/the elderly and developed many screening and preventative programs to help improve the health of the population. The reality is that most people just don't have to be that sick. or stay that sick. So, Dr. Kelly decided to change the focus of the care she provided: to prevent, reverse and restore the health of individuals.

Dr. Kelly

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